Friday, February 3, 2012

I want to help the @RedCross give life. #GiveBlood #GiveOfYourHeart

There is a nationwide Shortage of blood donations in the U.S. I want to do what I can to change that. But what can be done? I would like everyone reading this post to either visit or to call the American Red Cross Blood Donation Center ( 1-800-GIVE-LIFE) from now to 02-14-2012 (yep, Valentine's Day) and make an appointment. If you are squeamish, then I would like to encourage you to pass this along. 

This is not an official event, so you can set an appointment for any time that you feel is comfortable for you.

This is to raise awareness about the blood donation shortage and to increase the amount of donors..

Donating Blood is painless, doesn't cost you anything, and is done with the greatest of care by Red Cross Volunteers.